Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 038.
As a mom of 8, there are lots of people depending on me to meet their needs.  I not only take care of them on normal days, but I plan ahead and get prepared for how I will take care of them if disaster strikes. This can be anything from a sickness, job loss, death, fire, natural disaster (e.g. tornado), or loss of income.


It’s not a fun topic to think about, and hopefully I’ll never need any of my preparations. But if something bad does happen, I want the stuff that I could have dealt with taken care of so I can deal with the emotions and needs of the moment.

During this podcast episode, I discuss the need to think through your family’s possible risky situations. Jim and I periodically talk about and update our plans for

  • storing food and water
  • evacuating family and livestock
  • managing extended loss of electricity (food storage, lighting)
  • cooking and heating without electricity
  • sourcing clean water
  • seeking safety in storm shelter

Listener Feedback

Katie: The military has all sorts of activity books, checklists, and guides for families for all sorts of natural and other disasters online. We make sure to have a “hurricane” bag- just something with essentials (crank lights, flares, 1st aide, non perishable food, etc) and to familiarize ourselves with whatever new area in which we live.

Tara: Tornadoes – we have a storm shelter with three days water, a flashlight and any other things. Just never know where a twister might hit.

Lenea:I’m working on a 3 month supply. Not just having it but also using it so I know what to do when I really need it. To help me get a variety of items I became a consultant for Shelf Reliance. They have a program called the Q. I set a budget and a “wish list” of food storage items that I want and each month I get that budgeted amount of food sent to my home. It has really helped me get organized and get the items I need/want.

Rebecca: We can’t even afford groceries, and preparing with a disabled child only allowed one month’s supply of anti seizure meds is about as pointless as can me. Wish I could, guess our family will be in the first to check out. Yayness.
Note from PJ: Preparedness isn’t just about having money to stockpile stuff. One of the best ways to be prepared is with knowledge and by having a plan. That is free and just requires your time. Oftentimes, it is people without money who fare better than the “rich”.

Becky: We keep a bag by the door with water flashlights emergency info etc. Meds are always ready to go easily. Just added an emergency phone charger and radio. every 3 months I rotate the snacks and water. We are in OK so tornados and in winter ice storm threats make us stay prepared.

What about you?  Have you thought through some basic needs in case of a disaster or unexpected crisis? This is not about preparing for the end of the world, this is about being able to meet your family’s needs despite the circumstances surrounding you.

Thanks for listening! Join me next week as I talk about being polite.

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