Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 034.
I find that the best way to (joyfully) survive being a busy Mom is to be very organized with my life, my family, my homeschool, and my business.  But I don’t ever want our lives to be boring and routine.  So I always make a point to occasionally be spontaneous.

I’ve decided there are five reasons it is important to allow some spontaneity into my life.

  1. It keeps things fun and makes me happy.
  2. It keeps the children guessing.
  3. It changes the tone of the day.
  4. It takes advantage of opportunities that arise.
  5. It builds memories.

During this podcast episode I discuss these reasons as well as share some of the ways that I’m spontaneous.  Emery also joins me and shares his feelings about spontaneity in our family.

Do you ever make time for spontaneity?  I’d love to hear about any spontaneous things you’ve done with your family and what the results were.  I’m always looking for new ideas!

Thanks for listening!  Join me next week as I talk about staying in the moment.

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